Attending this event?
Welcome to the 2024 Advancing EE Conference!
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference!

About Us:  Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education

We are so excited to welcome you to the Conference! CAEE supports the many types of educators who teach concepts we all need to understand: how natural systems work, what we must do to interact responsibly with the environment, and how we can protect natural resources for future generations. We are the largest network of environmental educators in Colorado, serving over 800,000 learners. We value inclusion and welcome everyone to the field of EE. If you are not a member, we would love to have you join us! Talk to any of the CAEE staff or stop by our booth to learn more.

Network to Win Prizes!
Strengthen your network connections by exchanging old and new ideas with other conference participants! There are a variety of opportunities to earn chances to win prizes by using your eeVoice and sharing stories with other participants.
  • Stop by the registration desk to grab a Storytelling Bingo card. Turn your card in to the registration desk to be entered to win prizes. 
  • You can also stop by our storytelling station in the Hydro Lobby to share your story through a short video or photo.
  • Post your eeConference Story on Social media and tag #AdvancingEE
Check out the fabulous prizes in the Exhibit Hall and select which items you would like to try your luck to get! Drop your ticket with your name on it in the bin with the item of your choice and keep your fingers crossed! Drawings will be held on Friday night at the Triveeia event for all Friday prizes and at the Keynote for all Saturday prizes (prizes must be collected no later than Sat at 4:30pm). Have fun and meet some new people! 

Conference Guidelines:
We all have a role in promoting an inclusive and respectful environment. Effective networks include many diverse voices. The following guidelines were developed to ensure that all voices are welcomed, respected and included at CAEE events. We continue to learn and strive to include these into all our work. It is the responsibility of everyone to identify instances that do not meet current guidelines.

We are Present
  • Advancing EE is hard work, please take care of yourself.
  • Be willing to struggle and also celebrate the  joy of our work.
  • We all have different capacities to participate. 
  • Respect place and space.
We are Imperfect
  • Know your intent and own your impact
  • Recognize the impact of your learning on those with marginalized identities
We are Transparent, Empathetic Communicators
  • We prioritize listening.
  • Make space for diverse opinions and voices. 
  • Use language, terms, and imagery free of stereotypes and microaggressions.
We actively Engage and Welcome Meaningful Participation:
  • Provide space for all opinions, voices and ways of knowing, even if you don’t agree.
  • Work to recognize your privileges and remove power imbalances
  • Recognize and counter group dynamics in which marginalized voices are silenced or sidelined.
We Value Process
  • Be willing to shift when needs arise
  • Allow time for discussion, elaboration, and processing of ideas
  • Expect non-closure.
We are Better Together
  • Create authentic relationships.
  • No one knows everything, together we know a lot
  • We value all contributions to collective work.

Learn more about CAEE!
Together, we can do more! CAEE's many initiatives aim to develop the capacity of EE prvodiers and supporters. No matter where you live or how much time you have, there are opportunities to be involved with CAEE and support EE in Colorado.

Check out our various initiatives listed below and find out more by:
  • Joining a session with a CAEE staff member
  • Visiting our display table
  • Talking with CAEE staff, board and committee members

Become a Certified Environmental Educator

Develop a professional portfolio to demonstrate your competency in environmental education knowledge, skill and practices through CAEE’s Certified Environmental Educator program. Visit caee.org for more information.

Careers in Natural Resources Initiative
Since 2012, more than 350 individuals representing 110+ government agencies, non-profits, universities and more have been working collaboratively to raise awareness, reduce barriers and increase access to information about natural resource careers for youth and young adults. Strategies and tools developed include a natural resource career guide, nrcareers.org for job seekers and greenpathways.org for middle and high school career explorers. Learn more about this initiative at the CAEE exhibit table.

Opportunities to Develop your EE Skills After the Conference

Visit caee.org to find professional development and networking opportunities.  Be sure to get or renew your CAEE membership to connect with the largest organization for environmental educators in Colorado and receive discounts to CAEE events. caee.org/membership.

Conference Social Media
Post photos, ideas and new connections! Attendees active on social media will be entered to win a prize!
Facebook: CAEEInfolink
Twitter: @CAEE1
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/CAEEInfolink

Sustainability Opportunities
We are reducing our use of materials and recycling/composting what we can. Look for signs and read before you toss!
  • Bring your own water bottle and mug!
  • Visit the swap to find new to you items to re-purpose!
  • Download presentation materials electronically 
  • Carpool or take public transportation to the conference!
  • Compost eligible items at lunch!
Our Amazing Conference Planning Team
The Advancing Environmental Education Conference is made possible by the great contributions of so many people – conference presenters, sponsors, exhibitors, promotional partners, volunteers, and CAEE staff and Board of Directors! A big thank you to the conference planning committee!
  • Danielle Ardrey, Colorado State Forest Service
  • Rose Banzhaf, Colorado Project Learning Tree
  • Kirsten Bell, City of Longmont
  • Angela Borland, Boulder County Parks and Open Space
  • Dustin Hall, Walking Mountains Science Center
  • Becky Heath, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
  • Theresa Hemming, South Suburban Parks and Recreation
  • DeLene Hoffner
  • Kathryn Venzor, CSU Spur
We are always looking for new committee members to bring their ideas and perspectives to help shape next year’s conference. Contact info@caee.org for more information.

Conference Last day reminders

  • Turn in CMS credit forms

  • Check for any lost items

  • Check your email for a conference evaluation

  • Share or download session resources on Sched

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