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Welcome to the 2024 Advancing EE Conference!
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference!
Skills and Professional Learning clear filter
Wednesday, September 18

10:00am MDT

Pre-Conference Leadership Summit
Wednesday September 18, 2024 10:00am - 3:00pm MDT
Advancing Colorado's Environmental Education Plan
  • Are you interested in learning more about Colorado's Environmental Education Plan?
  • Are you interested in learning more about how YOU can advance environmental and outdoor learning in Colorado?
If so, you are invited to join us for a pre-conference summit to generate ideas to advance environmental and outdoor learning in Colorado. Each year, we select a strategy from the Colorado Environmental Education Plan to dig into and think about how we can work together to build stronger systems for PreK-12 Learning in Colorado. We will invite experts to share about trends that might be impacting outdoor and environmental learning and we will work together to brainstorm strategies together!
When:  September 18th, 2024 from 10am-3pmWhere:  CSU Spur, DenverCost:  $29 to cover lunch and snacks, Free for Colorado EE Leadership Council MembersPlease check back for a detailed agenda and speaker list.
avatar for Katie Navin

Katie Navin

Education Director, CAEE
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference! We support the many types of educators who teach... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 10:00am - 3:00pm MDT
Willow Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)
Thursday, September 19

8:00am MDT

Morning Coffee and Networking in the eeExhibitor Hall
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MDT
Start your day with CAEE each morning from 8:00-9:00am for morning networking and the EExhibitor Resource Walk to learn more about how exhibitor programs and resources can support your work. If you would like to receive CSM credit for the EExhibitor Resource Walk, pick up the CSM credit form from the registration area for instructions.

Coffee will be provided by the Western Daughter’s Kitchen in Hydro (Level 1) thanks to the genorous sponsorship of CSU Spur!
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MDT
Hydro Lobby (Level 1)

10:00am MDT

EE Story Lab- Ignite Connection and Keep our Collective History Alive
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
As we aim to reveal, inspire, and engage- weaving stories into EE is a powerful way to captivate the attention and emotions of our audiences. In this interactive session, we’ll uncover impactful hacks for making story-sharing an essential part of your communication and create a toolkit to apply to your experiences.
avatar for Mary McCormac

Mary McCormac

Statewide Interpretation & Wildlife Viewing Coordinator, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
avatar for Catherine Dolder

Catherine Dolder

SW Education Coordinator, Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Cathy is an outdoor education professional specializing in train-the-trainer facilitation who treasures the magic of human connection through audience-centered experiences. From a childhood exploring the rolling hills of Tennessee to present adventures in Southwest Colorado, her passion... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Cottonwood Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

10:00am MDT

eeLeaders Forum: Recruitment, Hiring, Retention, and Culture of eeTeams
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Join us at the first annual eeLeaders Forum, a specialized conference session designed for individuals with five or more years of professional experience in developing environmental education (EE) and interpretive programs, supervising education staff, and managing educational or interpretive sites. This forum provides a unique opportunity to network and connect with fellow managers, directors, and leaders of environmental and outdoor learning programs. This year, we will focus on the crucial areas of recruitment, hiring, retention, and the culture of EE teams, encompassing staff, volunteers, and other contributors. Participants will gain valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance their team's effectiveness and cohesion.

The forum will give participants the opportunity to:
  • Connect with other environmental and outdoor learning managers and leaders
  • Ask your most burning questions about recruitment, hiring, retention, and team culture to a panel of HR Experts
  • Engage in small group discussions with peers to brainstorm strategies that will work at YOUR organization
avatar for Mike Ksenyak

Mike Ksenyak

Cofounder and Principle Consultant, Intersecting Solutions, LLC
Mike is a queer nonbinary neurodivergent disruptor striving to create a better reality so everyone andevery body can feel a sense of belonging and thrive at work, in the outdoors, all ways. Their mission is to influenceprogressive and systemic change through a human resources practice... Read More →
avatar for Katie Navin

Katie Navin

Education Director, CAEE
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference! We support the many types of educators who teach... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Spring Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

12:30pm MDT

Bring your Lunch: CAEE Annual Member Meeting
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:30pm - 1:15pm MDT
Grab lunch in the Hydro Lobby and bring it up to the Annual Member Meeting!  

The Annual Member Meeting is an opportunity to learn about state and national initiatives, catch up on CAEE news, and provide direction for EE in Colorado. We want to make sure we are meeting the needs of environmental and outdoor educators and organizations. Join us to provide your feedback on the most important things CAEE can be doing over the next 5 years to support you!
avatar for Katie Navin

Katie Navin

Education Director, CAEE
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference! We support the many types of educators who teach... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:30pm - 1:15pm MDT
Cottonwood Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

1:30pm MDT

Training Wheels Team Building Activities
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Learn some new team building activities for small groups, large groups, and all ages. These activities are based on the Training Wheels team building activities developed by Michelle Cummings. Come play AND Learn!

Brooke Morehardt

School Year Programs Director, Keystone Science School
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Bear Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

2:45pm MDT

How to Speak Up: It’s Even For Introverts
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm MDT
Ever noticed how some people dominate conversations? While it seems convenient, not speaking up means your ideas, values, and needs go unheard. What if there was a solution? Join our interactive session to gain three tools for speaking up, even for introverts. Unlock your voice and make an impact today!
avatar for Tonya Lehman

Tonya Lehman

Owner, Joy Lab Productions
Tonya is a national speaker and teacher.  With her rich background, she shares valuable insights and practical techniques to enhance your confidence, catering to both introverts and extroverts alike.  She and her husband raised their daughters in San Diego, California, and enjoy... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm MDT
Spring Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)
Friday, September 20

8:00am MDT

Morning Networking in the eeExhibitor Hall
Friday September 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MDT
Start your day with CAEE each morning from 8:00-9:00am for morning networking and the EExhibitor Resource Walk to learn more about how exhibitor programs and resources can support your work. If you would like to receive CSM credit for the EExhibitor Resource Walk, pick up the CSM credit form from the registration area for instructions.

Coffee will be provided by the Western Daughter’s Kitchen in Hydro (Level 1) thanks to the genorous sponsorship of CSU Spur!
Friday September 20, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am MDT
Hydro Lobby (Level 1)

9:00am MDT

Stories as Environmental Justice and STEM Equity Education Curriculum Building: A 2-Part Skill-Building Workshop
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am MDT
Stories matter to bringing environmental justice (EJ) to EE. In Part 1, we center the ethics that allow us to receive and share stories of EJ, with respect, authenticity, and reciprocity. Intergroup Dialogue—especially relationship-building techniques and learning on social identities—support teachers ready to build EJ curriculum.

In Part 2, small groups build curriculum that aligns EJ with Colorado state standards, while engaging stages 3 and 4 of Intergroup Dialogue (approaching “hot topics,” creating a “product” together). Participants create lessons from case studies of environmental racism, or indigenous stories. We close with self-reflection to promote cultural competence and justice.
avatar for Dr. Janelle Johnson

Dr. Janelle Johnson

Director-Colorado STEM Ecosystem, #NAME?
Inclusive STEM pedagogiesSoccer

Christina Foust

Professor, MSU Denver
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am MDT
Alfalfa Classroom (Terra Level 3)

11:15am MDT

Finding Your Path in Environmental Education
Friday September 20, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Are you new to the field of environmental education with less than five years of experience? Do you have questions about how to build a long-term career in the EE field? Join us at this roundtable to converse with other new professionals about the challenges and opportunities in EE.
avatar for Lisa Eadens

Lisa Eadens

Program Coordinator, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education

Erin Dreps

eeCorps Program Coordinator, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
Friday September 20, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Cottonwood Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

11:15am MDT

Interpretive Strategies: Bringing Wonder to Your Programs
Friday September 20, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
How do you create wonder in your science education and EE programs? We will discuss and practice how to use props, pictures, observations and more. This interactive session is applicable to early career professionals, staff and volunteer trainers and anyone who wants to hone their skills and share their techniques.
avatar for Kirsten Bell

Kirsten Bell

Volunteer Coordinator, City of Longmont
Thank you for serving on the Conference Planning Committee!
Friday September 20, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Bear Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

12:30pm MDT

Explore the Spur Campus and Exhibit Hall
Friday September 20, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Grab your lunch and explore the campus!  If you are working towards obtaining CSM Credit, be sure to pick up a Resource Walk Form.  You can add a description of any of the places you visit (listed below) to your form to count for 1 hour of Credit.  You must visit a combination of 10 Spur Campus Exhibits and/or Exhibits in the Exhibit Hall to receive 1 hour towards your credit.

You can find spaces to eat:
· The Backyard- Outside the Hydro Building
· 2nd Floor Terrace in the Hydro Building
· North Plaza-Outside the Terra Building
· Outdoor Garden Terrace- 4th Floor of the Terra Building
· Green Roof on the 5th Floor of the Terra Building
· Riverfront Open Space- Along the South Platte on the westside of Spur

In the following Classrooms:
In the classrooms on the 2nd Floor of the Hydro Building!

Explore the Spur Campus
The Backyard in Hydro- This outdoor space features landscape architecture depicting the major watersheds of Colorado, and allows visitors to enjoy a break in the Colorado sunshine walking along native plants while connecting them with educational opportunities. In addition to all that The Backyard has to offer, the space parallels the South Platte River and Riverfront Open Space area with walking paths and an amphitheater. It’s an easy walk down to the river from The Backyard to explore one of Colorado’s most important waterways.

While you are in the Backyard meet the mini horses who call Spur home. The minis are part of the Temple Grandin Equine Center's equine-assisted services program, and they will be going for their daily stroll during the lunch hour. Stop by and say hi.

Stream Table in Hydro (Level 2)- Check out the hands-on stream table equipped with water and sand that showcases how water affects the nearby landscape.

Community Food Justice Garden outside Terra- Zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, basil, cilantro, eggplant, cucumber, and more are grown here for the food access program at The GrowHaus to be distributed to CSU Spur neighbors in the community.

Green Roof in Terra (Level 4)-Green roof systems and an expansive greenhouse atop the Terra building show how urban spaces can be used for plant and food production. The green roof serves as a research and demonstration facility to build on previous CSU research to investigate water use, food production, agrivoltaics, plant-pollinator interactions, seeding, and other emergent industry questions.

Greenhouse in Terra (Level 4)- Visit a state-of-the-art rooftop greenhouse in the Terra building. Discover how CSU researchers in Controlled Environment Agriculture are leading the way in greenhouse growing systems that will inform solutions for growing food in urban spaces with limited resources. Interested in starting you a greenhouse at your school or business? Ask the Spur staff to connect you with our researchers!

Denver Dumb Friends League Veterinary Hospital in Vida (Level 1 and 2)- Veterinarians perform “on-view” surgeries, meaning the public can watch live procedures through glass while the League’s veterinarians and certified veterinary technicians discuss the surgery in real-time and CSU educators describe the activity and field questions.

Virtual Reality Room in Vida (Level 1)- step inside a virtual learning space and see how veterinary and biology students are using VR to study animal and human anatomy. This technology was developed by CSU faculty and students and is available to any field trip at CSU Spur (recommended for ages 9 and up).

Temple Grandin Equine Center in Vida (Level 2)- Observe horses helping human clients in equine-assisted sessions throughout the day. From physical therapy to horse care, learn how CSU’s team of equine scientists, human healthcare providers, and the horses who live at Spur are all working together to promote the betterment of individuals with all types of abilities.

Equine Sports Medicine and Rehab Center in Vida (Level 2)- As a visitor, check out the equine sports medicine and rehabilitation center viewing area on the 2nd floor (follow signs to the north side of the Vida building), and watch horses walking on underwater treadmills and working with veterinarians. A special demonstration for conference attendees is scheduled for Friday at 12:30 p.m.

Friday September 20, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Hydro Lobby (Level 1)

3:15pm MDT

Uncovering Gaps and Opportunities for Environmental and Outdoor Learning in Colorado
Friday September 20, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
Our Landscape Analysis unveiled findings about the state of environmental and outdoor learning in Colorado. So, now what? Explore tools and data that you can use in grant applications, reports, and more to build support for your work. Delve into recommendations and discuss opportunities to collaborate to advance environmental and outdoor learning across the state.
avatar for Katie Navin

Katie Navin

Education Director, CAEE
We are so excited to welcome you to the CAEE Advancing Environmental Education Conference! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities to explore research, elevate practices and spark collaborations at the conference! We support the many types of educators who teach... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
Cottonwood Creek Classroom (Hydro Level 2)

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